


Provide CloudFormation Based Metrics, Alarms, & Dashboards ECS backed ELBs

new ELB(opts: Object): Object
opts (Object = {}) options object
Name Description
opts.prefix string Cloudformation Prefix
opts.email string Email to submit alarms to
opts.apache (string | Object) Apache formatted log group
opts.cluster (string | Object) ARN or CF Ref/Att of ECS Cluster
opts.service (string | Object) ARN or CF Ref/Att of ECS Service
opts.targetgroup (string | Object) ARN or CF REf/Att of Target Group
opts.loadbalancer (string | Object) ARN or CF Ref/ATT of ELB
opts.dashboard Boolean (default true) Is a dashboard created
Object: CloudFormation Fragment with alarm Resources


Provide CloudFormation Based Metrics, Alarms, & Dashboards ECS backed ELBs

new RDS(opts: Object): Object
opts (Object = {}) options object
Name Description
opts.prefix string Cloudformation Prefix
opts.email string Email to submit alarms to
opts.instance (string | Object) ARN or CF Ref/ATT of RDS Instance
opts.dashboard Boolean (default true) Is a dashboard created
Object: CloudFormation Fragment with alarm Resources